Friday, September 5, 2014

I Saw a Spider in the Bathroom...

It happened so fast...So, I went to take a shower last night and turned the water on in the bathtub.  Bob was standing behind me.  As I looked up, the most humungous, scary, vile spider looked down on me from above.  I heard my own high pitched scream as my head snapped back.  The spider reared back and slightly elevated it's front end.  My elbow shortly thereafter connected with Bob's jaw and I remember seeing him hit the floor as I launched myself over the top of him.  I remember yelling SPIDER, but by then I was already in the living room heading for the front door.

My heart raced.  I am quite sure I only touched the ground 3 times and I don't remember going down the hallway.  I normally am not that afraid of spiders;  snakes on the other hand, well that is a different thing.  Bob called out, "What is the matter with you?  Are you trying to kill me?"  "Look up," I said.  Holy....... I heard him say.  "Now that is a spider!"

I slowly walked back to the bathroom, feeling braver now that Bob was standing in front of me.  Bob stood back and we gazed up at the most scary thing I have ever seen.  I grabbed my phone and snapped a picture.  See for yourself.

This is the second one of these things this week, although the last one was not quite as large.  I think it's a Hobo Spider, but I am not sure.  I am quite sure that it must die.  I think of the joke I read a while back.  I Saw a Spider in the Bathroom.  So as quietly as I could, I got some toilet paper and used it to burn the house down. LOL. Too bad we don't have renters insurance.

We decided that the best plan of attack was to use the vacuum cleaner, but I wasn't sure the spider was in any way going to fit down the nozzle.  Bob says, don't worry it will just ball up and the suction will make it fit.  Bravely I stepped out of the bathroom and gave him encouragement.  Such a brave warrior am I.

I switched the vacuum cleaner on to do my part. "Honey your right, it is too big, but I've got it;  the suction is holding,"  he said.   Are you freaking kidding me I think, as I visualize the huge spider stuck to the end of the vacuum cleaner hose.  Bang, Bang. Bob pushes the hose to the floor and I swear I hear crunching.  "what is going on?"  I ask.  "Don't worry, I just cut it in two.  I got this."  I look into the clear cannister and see a couple legs swirling around before disintegrating into the dirt.

I switch the vacuum cleaner off and Bob assures me that it is dead and can't crawl out of the cannister.  I look at it and am not 100% convinced, but glad that the spider is gone.  I insisted on bleaching everything and vacuuming the entire house before bed at midnight.  I was so afraid to go to sleep that I turned all the lights on and searched the bed.  I was afraid to switch the lamp off, for fear there was one on my bedside stand.   I am thinking of bug bombing the whole house.

So far today, so good.  I have only had one incident when I sat on the toilet and realized that there could potentially be a spider under the toilet seat.  It was like sitting on a hot potato.  I don't have good luck sitting down on toilets without looking.  Thankfully, not a spider in sight.  I laugh when I think that seeing a spider reminds me that I am still a little girl inside.  Sleep tight.


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